Solar Power System Calculation App Documentation


This document outlines the functionality and user input requirements for a Solar Power System Calculation App designed to help users determine the number of batteries, photovoltaic (PV) panels, and other system components based on their specific energy needs. The app calculates the necessary specifications by analyzing various inputs provided by the user.

User Inputs

The app requires the following inputs from the user to perform calculations:

  1. Date Range:
    • From Date: The starting date of the period for which the energy calculation is needed.
    • To Date: The ending date of the period for which the energy calculation is needed.
    • Amperage (Amp): The average current demand during this period.
  2. Voltage (V):
    • Options: 220V or 110V. The voltage level at which the system operates.
  3. PV Power (Watts):
    • The power rating of a single photovoltaic (PV) panel in Watts.
  4. Solar Hours:
    • The average number of full sunlight hours the PV system is expected to receive per day.
  5. Battery Unit:
    • Options: Ah (Ampere-hour) or Wh (Watt-hour). The unit in which the battery capacity is specified.
  6. Battery Size:
    • The capacity of the battery in Ah or Wh, depending on the unit chosen.
  7. Battery Depth of Discharge (DOD):
    • The percentage of the battery that can be safely used without damaging the battery.
  8. Max Charging Ampere:
    • The maximum current in Amperes at which the battery can be safely charged.
  9. Max Discharging Ampere:
    • The maximum current in Amperes at which the battery can be safely discharged.
  10. Single Battery Voltage (V):
    • The voltage of a single battery.
  11. Series of Batteries:
    • The number of batteries connected in series within the system.

Calculation Process

The app uses the inputs provided by the user to calculate the necessary number of batteries, PV panels, and system configurations. The process involves:

  • Energy Demand Calculation: Estimating the total energy demand based on the date range, amperage, and voltage.
  • PV System Sizing: Determining the number of PV panels needed to meet the energy demand, considering the PV power and average solar hours.
  • Battery Bank Sizing: Calculating the total battery capacity required to store energy, considering the battery size, DOD, max charging, and discharging amperes.
  • System Configuration: Providing recommendations on the series of batteries and system voltage to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.


The app will provide the user with a detailed report that includes:

  • The total number of PV panels needed.
  • The total battery capacity required (in Ah or Wh, depending on the user’s preference).
  • Recommended battery configuration (series/parallel arrangement).
  • Any additional recommendations for optimizing the system based on the input parameters.

User Interface

The app will feature a user-friendly interface where users can input their specifications in designated fields. It will also include help icons next to each input field to provide users with additional information on what each parameter means and how it affects the calculations.


This documentation outlines the key functionalities and user input requirements for the Solar Power System Calculation App. By providing detailed and specific inputs, users can obtain precise calculations and recommendations to meet their energy needs effectively with a solar power system.